Refresh the revolution
Constructivist architecture repainted in its original colors (1929). Architect: Mosei Reicher.
Produced for the Second Ural Biennale of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
HD color video, sound
Edition of 3 + 1 EA
Collection FRAC Normandie Caen(Fr)
Photo : Alex Kiryutin
Refresh the revolution is an ambitious action made for the Second Ural Biennale in Ekaterinburg in 2012. The aims of the project was to give back light to an old, abandoned avantgarde building from the 1920’s Russian revolution. The final video work shows the artist and his team putting off the advertisement posters, removing the spontaneous vegetation and covering all tags and graffiti with white paint. The massive crane used by the painters turn around the 1927 building and slowly the constructivist architecture recovers its vitality and imposing figure in the urban area that’s surrounding it.