Glass-fiber sailing boat, Aluminium street lamp, stainless steel, electric cables, nut, bolt, anchor
600 x 550 x 150 cm
Yolo!, Frac Normandie Caen Hors les murs, Valognes (Fr), 2017
Canal Satellite, Migennes, (Fr), 2016
Vier Bücher, Cuxhavener Kunstverein, Cuxhaven (De), 2014
This installation was produced in the context of an exhibition at the Cuxhavener Kunstverein. After visiting the city, I proposed to take one of the most signifiant element from harbour city : a sailing boat, and to turn it into a sculpture adding an old lamp post instead of the original mast. Every-night, the lamp post conforms to the rhythm of the city‘s lights where he his installed.
Since the first presentation in Cuxhaven, the sculpture was exhibited in several other city like the harbour of Le Havre, Valognes and Migennes.